

Scrapr saves search queries and Flickr profiles and scrapes the Flickr API for relevant content. The front end allows you to quickly and easily consume the photos and save your favorites for later.

The Client

I built Scrapr as a side project, partially because I was frustrated with Flickr's recent design and functionality changes. I was also considering using the Flickr API in another project and wanted to try it out.

My Role

I built Flickr according to my own specifications.

Technology Used

Scrapr's back-end is written in PHP and MySQL, the front-end app is written in jQuery.

About the Code

I built the app as a personal project, and as such it only really does what I wanted it to.

I was looking for a way to search for photos of certain things (punk shows) that match certain criteria (LA-area, large format). I wanted it to scroll infinitely and show large results.

I also focused on making it mobile-friendly since Flickr's mobile site is practically worthless.

Source Code

Scrapr on Github
